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Posted by The Editors on 23rd Dec 2019 in News: Conference Diary
inTRAlinea [ISSN 1827-000X] is the online translation journal of the Department of Interpreting and Translation (DIT) of the University of Bologna, Italy:

Fluid Images — Fluid Text:

Comics’ Mobility Across Time, Space and Artistic Media

Cardiff University, School of Modern Languages
23–24 January 2020
Conference Programme

Thursday, 23 January 2020: Transformation

9:30–10:00 Conference registration (Foyer)
10:00–10:15 Opening / Welcome address
Prof Kate Griffiths, Head of the Cardiff School of Modern Languages
10:15–11:15 Keynote presentation: Reading Comics in Time (Prof Jan Baetens, KU Leuven)
11:15–11:45 Two Distant Soils: Colleen Doran’s Editorial Journey across Time (Isabelle Licari-Guillaume, Université Côte d’Azur, Nice)
11:45–12:15 Mobile Masculinities: Changing Representation of the Gay Male Form in Comics over Time (Garry McLaughlin, University of Dundee)
12:15–13:15 Buffet lunch (Foyer)
13:15–13:45 Comics in the Classroom: Historical Validity in the Comics Form (Chad Harada, San Francisco)
13:45–14:15 ‘Someone Will Remember Us’: The Forgotten Female Cartoonists of Spain’s Transition to Democracy (Rhiannon McGlade, University of Cambridge)
14:15–14:45 Of Fathers and National Narratives: A Borrowed Life’s Journey across Time and Media (Adina Zemanek, University of Central Lancashire)
14:45–15:15 Refreshment break
15:15–15:45 Political Nocturne in Pinturas de guerra by Ángel de la Calle (Agustín Corti, Universität Salzburg)
15:45–16:15 The Expansion of a Symbolic Universe: An Analysis of Operación Bolívar through Time and Symbols (Carolina González Alvarado, Tecnológico de Monterrey)
16:15–16:45 Transmediality and Graphic Narratives: The Case of the Graphic Memoir (Natalie Dupré & Inge Lanslots, KU Leuven)
16:45–17:30 Wine reception (Foyer)
19:00–21:00 Conference dinner (The Twenty Nine Park Place)

Friday, 24 January 2020: Translation & Adaptation

9:30–10:30 Keynote presentation: Global Comics Heroes: Diachronic and Intersemiotic Aspects of Interlingual Translation (Prof Federico Zanettin, Università degli Studi di Perugia)
10:30–11:00 Aristophanic Comic Books for Children (and not Only): Cultural Transfer and Translation (Dimitris Asimakoulas, University of Surrey)
11:00–11:30 From Magazine to Hardcover: Autonomy and Mobility in Zerocalcare’s Kobane Calling (Andrea De Falco, University of Reading)
11:30–12:00 Refreshment break
12:00–12:30 Modesty Blaise Abused in Translation and Adaptation (Pascal Lefèvre, LUCA School of Arts, Campus Sint-Lukas Brussel)
12:30–13:00 Comics as Adaptation: Aka B’s Storia di una madre (Camilla Storskog, Università degli Studi di Milano)
13:00–13:45 Buffet lunch (Foyer)
13:45–14:15 Transmediality against Transphobia: The Politics of Transsexual Self-Portrait in Fumettibrutti’s Work between Comics and Photography (Nicoletta Mandolini, KU Leuven)
14:15–14:45 From Panel to Stage and Screen: Transmedial Mobility of Female Autographic Subjectivities (Elisabeth Krieber, Universität Salzburg)
14:45–15:15 Transmedial Storyworlds and the Representation of the Non-Experience of Italian Terrorism in Luigi Ricca’s Graphic Adaptation of Il tempo materiale (Rachelle Gloudemans, KU Leuven)
15:15–15:45 Refreshment break
15:45–16:15 A Comic Exploration: Gendered Spaces in 19th-Century London (Gina Matteo, San Francisco State University)
16:15–16:45 Je est un autre: Are Digital Comics Still Comics? (Giorgio Busi Rizzi, Universiteit Gent)
16:45–17:00 Closing remarks

The event is listed on Cardiff University’s events page:
If you wish to attend the conference please register online at the following web address:
Please note that registration closes on Thursday 9 January 2020.

Posted by The Editors on 23rd Dec 2019 in News: Conference Diary
inTRAlinea [ISSN 1827-000X] is the online translation journal of the Department of Interpreting and Translation (DIT) of the University of Bologna, Italy: