By The Editors
In September 2017, a year after his death, the Department of Interpreting and Translation of the University of Bologna organised two days of commemorative events in honour of Giovanni Nadiani: internationally recognised dialect poet and playwright, colleague, founding member of this journal, and much-lamented friend.
The event was called Beyond the Romagna Sky and it brought together poets, writers, translators, actors, musicians, colleagues and other friends, who gathered in Forlì to remember Giovanni and celebrate his work. This commemorative issue presents a selection of the contributions that were made during the event.
We would like to stress that this is not an academic issue and none of the contributions were peer reviewed. Given that this journal would not exist had it not been for energy and spirit of enterprise that Giovanni put into it for 15 years of its life, we wish to provide a permanent testimony of the respect, admiration and affection in which Giovanni is held by all those who were fortunate enough to know him.
©inTRAlinea & The Editors (2019).
inTRAlinea Commemorative Issue: Beyond the Romagna Sky
Edited by: Roberto Menin, Gloria Bazzocchi & Chris Rundle
This article can be freely reproduced under Creative Commons License.
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