General Issue

The Fall and Rise of the Iranian Translator Communities at the Birth and Growth of the Arab Empire

Parvaneh Ma‘azallahi (Vali-e-Asr University of Rafsanjan, Iran)

Taxis and logico-semantic relations in English-Arabic translation

Waleed Othman & Dima Al Qutob (University of Petra, Jordan)

Tradurre i classici da poeta

Su Milo De Angelis e Lucrezio

Elena Coppo (Università degli Studi di Padova, Italia)

On the Translation of Books under the Francoist Regime: Methodological Approaches

Purificación Meseguer (University of Murcia, Spain)

La formazione in traduzione fra competenze, professione e civismo

Alcune riflessioni sul service-learning

Paolo Scampa, Gaia Ballerini & Silvia Bernardini (Università di Bologna, Italia)

Translation as a Weapon

Literary Translation under the Slovak State (1939–1945)

Martin Djovčoš & Matej Laš (Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica, Slovakia)

The Present and Future of Accessibility Services in VR360 Players

Marta Brescia-Zapata (Universidad Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain)

Working Memory and Consecutive Interpreting Performance in Proficient Bilinguals: A Gender Perspective

Mojtaba Amini, Azizollah Dabaghi & Dariush Nejadansari (University of Isfahan, Iran)

Ampelmännchen, Altbau und Nimmerland – Wegweiser auf dem Weg zur translatorischen Kompetenz

Erfahrungen aus einem studentischen Übersetzungsprojekt

Katarzyna Tymoszuk (Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Poland)

Special Issue: Inclusive Theatre: Translation, Accessibility and Beyond

Edited by: Elena Di Giovanni and Francesca Raffi


Inclusive theatre-making:

Elena Di Giovanni and Francesca Raffi (University of Macerata, Italy)


A new organizational challenge for inclusive theaters:

Marco Luchetti and Alex Turrini (University of Macerata and Bocconi University, Italy)

Users’ expectations of zarzuela audio description:

Irene Hermosa-Ramírez and Miquel Edo (Autonomous University of Barcelona)

Audio describing visual intertextuality and cultural references as a challenge towards inclusion

Valeria Illuminati (University of Bologna, Italy)

Innovation vs Practicality vs Entertainment:

Pierre-Alexis Mével, Jo Robinson, and Paul Tennent (University of Nottingham and Newcastle University, UK)

Addressing content, technical and collaboration concerns in providing access to the D/deaf and hard of hearing audience:

Alina Secară and Emília Perez (University of Vienna, Austria and Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, Slovakia)

Inclusive theatre-making on the stage:

Manuel Boschiero, Jana Karšaiová, Massimo Salgaro and Nicoletta Vicentini (University of Verona, Italy)

Special Issue: Embodied Translating – Mit dem Körper übersetzen

Edited by: Barbara Ivancic and Alexandra L. Zepter


Embodiment in Translation Studies: Different Perspectives

Barbara Ivancic and Alexandra L. Zepter (University of Bologna, Italy and University of Cologne, Germany)

Embodiment: Theoretical Background

The corporeal dimensions of translating ─ Körperliche Dimensionen von Übersetzungsprozessen

Psychic rhymes and rhythms in translation:  Walt Whitman and Mark Strand

Franco Nasi (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy)

Mit | Gefühl bei der Übersetzung

Daniela A. Frickel (University of Cologne, Germany)

Die Person sichtbar machen – Übersetzer:innen in Selbstauskünften

Kirsten Schindler (University of Wuppertal, Germany)

The translator and her experience ─ Die Übersetzer:in und ihr Erfahrungsspektrum

Embodied Translation Practice: Didactic implications ─ Didaktische Implikationen