
By Silvia Bernardini & Federico Zanettin (University of Bologna, University of Perugia)

©inTRAlinea & Silvia Bernardini & Federico Zanettin (2002).
inTRAlinea Special Issue: CULT2K
Edited by: Silvia Bernardini & Federico Zanettin
This article can be freely reproduced under Creative Commons License.
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This special issue collects a selection of articles from the Corpus Use and Learning Conference held in Bertinoro in the year 2000 (CULT2K). Three of the articles, by Steven Coffey, Andy Cresswell and Stella Tagnin, focus more specifically on translator training, while the others, by Serpollet, Mauranen and Cencini, take a more descriptive approach to corpus-based translation studies. Coffey discusses the use of source language corpora in translator training, while Cresswell looks at how trainee translators working into English as their L2 can enrich their vocabulary through exposure to concordances from a large general corpus. Tagnin describes an experiment in which translation trainees collected their own domain-specific corpora in English and Brazilian Portuguese to extract collocational glossaries. Serpollet's a contrastive study which uses a parallel corpus to look at the translation of the French subjunctive in English, and the translation of the occurrences of mandative constructions in French. Mauranen uses comparable monolingual Finnish corpora of translated and non translated popular non-fiction texts  to investigate whether adaptive translation strategies are more common than those transferring source text properties into the target text. Cencini looks at interpreting corpora, proposing an encoding standard based on the TEI guidelines.

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©inTRAlinea & Silvia Bernardini & Federico Zanettin (2002).
inTRAlinea Special Issue: CULT2K
Edited by: Silvia Bernardini & Federico Zanettin
This article can be freely reproduced under Creative Commons License.
Stable URL:

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