Brussels (19 October 2017) and Antwerp (20 October 2017)
Proposals (300 words) to be sent by March 15th 2017

Published in: Call for Papers

Intersemiotic Translation, Adaptation, Transposition: saying almost the same thing?

University of Cyprus, Nicosia, November 10-12, 2017

Deadline for submission of abstracts: April 30 2017

Published in: Call for Papers

Études de linguistique appliquée 181 - n°1 janvier-mars 2016. Médiation et droits linguistiques.

Coordonné par Michele De Gioia et Giovanni Agresti avec la collaboration de Mario Marcon. Actes du Colloque international (Université de Padoue, 23 janvier 2014)

Published in: New Publications

CFP: History of the reception of scientific texts in translation

Call for participants in workshop during the 1st World Congress in Translation Studies - Topic: “Histoire de la réception des textes scientifiques traduits / History of the reception of scientific texts in translation”

Published in: Call for Papers

Les sens dans la traduction du « texte » filmique

The Senses in Motion: Translating the Cinematic Text

Programme Colloque TRACT – 14-15 octobre 2016

Published in: Conference Diary

The Translator Made Corporeal: Translation History And The Archive

Call for papers

Organized by the British Library and University College London. 8 May 2017, British Library Conference Centre

Published in: Call for Papers

Exchanges Journal: Call for submissions

Exchanges is seeking translations of poetry, short or excerpted fiction, plays, and literary nonfiction for our Fall/Winter ‘16 issue. We also consider English-language reviews, interviews, and essays on translation and translation studies. Additionally, we are seeking works of visual art. All media are accepted.

Published in: Call for Papers