Lost in translation

testi e culture allo specchio/texts and culteres at the mirror

Il 17 e il 18 dicembre 2007 si terrà presso l’Aula Magna della Facoltà di Lingue e Letterature Straniere di Sassari, un incontro dal titolo Lost in Translation: testi e culture allo specchio/Lost in trasnslation: text and culters at the mirror.

In questo incontro si esamineranno diversi aspetti della traduzione, dello scambio tra culture e dello scetticismo, in particolare lo scetticismo rivolto ai concetti di Sé e dell’Altro, nonché argomenti riguardanti il relativismo e l’incommensurabilità.

Per informazioni: www.nebrhijos.com/lost

Published in: Conference Diary

International Bilingual Conference / Colloque International Bilingue

Audiovisual Translation : Multidisciplinary Approaches - La traduction audiovisuelle : Approches pluridisciplinaires

19-20 June 2008 / 19-20 juin 2008

University of Montpellier 3, France / Université Montpellier 3, France


Published in: Conference Diary

CETRA 2008

Twentieth Summer Research Seminar

Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
18 - 29 August 2008

CETRA Chair Professor:
Middlesex University London

Published in: Announcements


Monographs in Translation and Interpreting

issues 1 (A (Self-)Critical Perspective of Translation Theories - 2009), 2 (Applied Sociology in Translation Studies - 2010) and 3 (Woman and Translation - 2011).

Published in: Call for Papers

Pour une linguistique humaniste. Pensée et langage au siècle des Lumières, brani scelti di Luigi Ros

Cahiers du RAPT, 7, Torino/Paris, L’Harmattan Italia/L’Harmattan.

I saggi di L. Rosiello, pubblicati negli anni ottanta, nella loro versione francofona inedita in Francia, mettono in luce il rapporto pensiero e linguaggio implicito nella filosofia dei Lumi.

Published in: New Publications

La psycholinguistique à l’oeuvre dans la traduction, testo di Giuseppe Mininni, tradotto e presentat

Cahier du Rapt 6, Torino/Paris, L’Harmattan Italia/L’Harmattan.

Il primo volume di questa nuova serie dei “Cahiers du RAPT” propone al pubblico francofono il saggio di G. Mininni pubblicato nel 1980, ancora inedito in Francia.

Published in: New Publications

Challenges and Alliances in PSI&T Research and Practice

3rd International Conference on Public Service Interpreting & Translating & 7th International Conference on Translation

The Training and Research Group on Public Service Translation and Interpreting (FITISPos) at the University of Alcalá (UAH) (Madrid, Spain) are pleased to announce the 3rd International Conference on Public Service Interpreting & Translating (& 7th International Conference on Translation) to be hosted at the UAH, on the 24th and 25th of April 2008.

This conference is intended to offer PSI&T researchers, practitioners, trainers, academics, public service authorities and people interested in intercultural communication a forum for dialogue and exchange of views and experiences like the previous ones held in 2002 & 2005.

Published in: Call for Papers

Congreso Internacional Traducción en la Era de la Información

International Conference on Translation in the Era of Information

Universidad de Oviedo, Spain. 22-24 October 2008

Published in: Conference Diary