Freddie PLASSARD. Lire pour traduire.  Presses Sorbonne Nouvelle. Paris. 2007. 322 pages.

La lecture intervient à différents stades du processus de traduction et recouvre des opérations cognitives diverses. Partant de ces constats, l'auteur de cet ouvrage tente de mieux cerner le rôle de la lecture dans le processus traductif, les modalités selon lesquelles elle est pratiquée et la ou les fonction(s) qu'elle occupe selon le stade du processus dans lequel elle intervient.

TESTO A FRONTE 35 II Semestre 2006. Milano: Marcos Y Marcos. Pag. 350. € 22,00.

Per il centenario di Samuel Beckett - A cura di Andrea Inglese e Chiara Montini

L’ultimo numero del semestrale di teoria e pratica della traduzione letteraria TESTO A FRONTE è quasi interamente dedicato a studi italiani, in buona misura di taglio traduttologico, dell’opera di Samuel Beckett.

Stefano Arduini – Ubaldo Stecconi: MANUALE DI TRADUZIONE - Teorie e figure professionali.

Rome: Carocci. 212 pages – €18,00. ISBN: 978-88–430–3968–5 Order online from: [url=][/url]

“Manuale di traduzione” responds to the recent translation boom in Italy’s higher education, where training and research opportunities are now offered by about 50 institutions, large and small.

Stylistic Approaches to Translation

by Jean Boase-Beier

The concept of style is central to our understanding and construction of texts. But how do translators take style into account in reading the source text and in creating a target text?

Style and Narrative in Translations

The Contribution of Futabatei Shimei

Author: Hiroko Cockerill

Futabatei Shimei (1864-1909) is widely regarded as the founder of the modern Japanese novel. His novel Floating Clouds (1887-1889) was written in a colloquial narrative style that was unprecedented in Japanese literature, as was its negative hero. Futabatei was also a pioneer translator of Russian literature, translating works by Turgenev, Gogol, Tolstoy, Gorky and others – his translations had an enormous impact (perhaps even greater than his novels) on the development of Japanese literature.

Il linguaggio specialistico del turismo

Aspetti storici, teorici e traduttivi

di Giovanna Nigro, Roma: Aracne, 2006, 10 euro

Translating Voices, Translating Regions

Nigel Armstrong Federico M. Federici (eds.)

The aims of Translating Voices, Translating Regions are to explore the question of practices and theories in the translation of marginal voices, not only in written literature, but also in audio-visual translation in general and dubbing in particular, a process which is particularly strong in the French and Italian film industries.

Translation Studies at the Interface of Disciplines

Edited by João Ferreira Duarte, Alexandra Assis Rosa and Teresa Seruya

Translation Studies has been defined in terms of spatial metaphors stressing the need for disciplinary border crossings, with the purpose of borrowing different approaches, orientations and tools from diverse academic fields. Such territorial incursions have resulted in a more thorough exploration of the home province, as this volume is designed to show.